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Episode 1: Intro

On this episode we’re going to take a minute to introduce ourselves and tell you what #meltedmoms means to us.

Episode 1 Transcript:

Racquel 0:00
Hi, everyone, and welcome to saving melted ice cream. I’m Raquel.

Courtney 0:04
And I’m Courtney. And on today’s episode we’re gonna introduce what saving melted ice cream is all about.

Racquel 0:15
So, saving melted ice cream. How did it come about? My point of view of saving melted ice cream is it can be it can be your kids melt down. It could be how your Mom Brain is feeling today. Or it can literally be trying to pick up melted ice cream off the ground and saving it for your child.

Courtney so why don’t you tell everyone about yourself?

Courtney 0:44
I’m Courtney. I’m going to be 28 in April. I have three children and four if you count my husband. and I have three wiener dogs. We are a military family. And we are currently living in Maryland, but we are from Ohio. We’ve also been stationed in Wyoming and are hopefully moving soon.

Racquel 1:15
How long have you been married?

How long have you guys been together?

Courtney 1:32
Like? 12, years, 13 years. We got together in high school. After a minor bit of stalking on my part. We did. I’ll tell you to this day. And he will never let me live it down.

Racquel 1:57
You guys got married 2013. Right?

Courtney 2:00

Racquel 2:03
Going on this year will be nine years.

Courtney 2:05
So that means 13 years.

Racquel 2:10
Hi, everyone. I’m Raquel. I live in Ohio with my fiancee and our six kids. We have five boys and one girl. We’re both we both been divorced. So we’re co parenting with four other parents while I guess when you count my fiance, I’m co parenting for the parents. I work full time as a digital marketing, digital marketer. Im studying for my Masters in Digital Marketing. And I really hope to build a farm one day.

So Courtney, how do you know me?

Courtney 2:51
Well, first, we thought we hated each other

Racquel 2:57
was more so like, I thought you hated me? Like so I didn’t talk to you because I thought you hated me. And you didn’t talk to me because you thought I hated you.

Courtney 3:09
Yeah. But Raquel was originally married to my husband’s twin brother. And that is who she divorced, and met this wonderful man. And she still grants me to be a part of for life.

Racquel 3:29
You’re stuck with me forever now.

Courtney 3:31
I know. I’m fine with that. we were close in the beginning. And then I felt like there was some distance and then after I would say right before the divorce we got close again. And now if we lived in the same state, we’d probably be inseparable.

Racquel 3:59
We’d have to build a whole nother house on our property so that we could be just two steps away from each other.

Courtney 4:07
That’s fine would you like this and then like a bridge in between.

Racquel 4:20
so. saving melted ice cream and our mission, how it came about. It started with me wanting to help people or I should say help moms work through postpartum depression and just the struggles of motherhood and mental health and it’s just grown.

I decided that I wanted to take it a little more seriously and actually kind of put more out there than just having a Facebook group. So that’s when I asked Courtney if she wanted to do a podcast with me.

Courtney 5:09
And here we are laughing and giggling and learning what to do, trying to figure this shit out.

Racquel 5:17
So the name of our Facebook group is hashtag melted moms.

And that can be a melted mind

melted brains, or melted like your plastered?

Courtney 5:34
You know, whatever.

Our Facebook group, we don’t have many people currently, but we do have a decent amount of people. We have open conversations about how everyone’s doing. We have Are we still doing the? Book club?

Racquel 5:58
if we can get more people involved with that, I’d love to keep doing the book club. We had tried to do it last year, I believe. And you and me were pretty much the only ones reading the books. So that’s kind of why I just stopped posting about it because no one else that’s in the group right now is interested. Right now the group has about 30 people.

And honestly, I only know about half of them. The other half is just from some like one of my friends joining the group and then deciding to invite one or two of their friends.

Courtney 6:46
With this podcast, we’re hoping to reach more moms and helping them be able to cope and get through motherhood and postpartum depression.

Because, like they said, it does take a village to raise your children. And sometimes people don’t have that village within their vicinity. So we got to find that when you have six kids, it takes a village.

Racquel 7:15
John and I went out last weekend, or the weekend before last weekend, when we went out. We had three different sitters lined up to separate the kids, we had to conquer and divide.

Courtney 7:39
So whether it is, you know, trying to find that group that you need to be a part of, because even today, there’s millions of groups out there. And no matter how much they say they are no judgement zone, there’s always judging, you’re either not disciplining your kids enough, or you’re disciplining them too much, or you’re allowing them to have too much TV time or not enough, or you’re not spending enough time with your own children, and you’re not allowed to have any time.

Racquel 8:20
For me, a lot of times it was just feeling like I really couldn’t say what I was actually feeling like I never felt like I could really say what I was feeling.

Courtney 8:36
For sure, for sure.

Racquel 8:38
So I just I wanted to create that space with our group that you can actually say, what you feel in, if what you feel is you want to lock you can have a clause that I’m not going to take you literal, and I’m gonna support you through it.

Courtney 8:58
Because sometimes you just you know, maybe not locking your kid in the closet, or you can walk them outside.

Racquel 9:05

But it’s a space that you can say that without… without it becoming oh my god, you’re abusing your kid, it’s, oh, this mom is frustrated. Let’s talk to her see what we can do to help.

Courtney 9:21
Exactly. And I feel like that group that we have growing allows us to do that and speak openly and not be judged just because we have that opportunity to be open and be able to talk and take our frustrations out.

Racquel 9:40
Right. And I there’s also the option in our group to post anonymously so you can say what you’re really feeling without having, having to worry about who’s gonna see it and tie name with it. It can be made or anonymous.

Courtney 10:02
and no matter if you post it anonymous or not, you’re still gonna get probably every single member in our group on there helping you out.

Racquel 10:12

Courtney 10:14
Just like racquel’s one post about her pyro. burnin his finger. We had every person in the group comment on that one.

Racquel 10:29
These kids are wild, and I’m sure we’ll have a whole podcast episode dedicated to each child in their wildness.

Courtney 10:44
So on today’s podcast, this is what so and so did.

Racquel 10:48

Courtney 10:54
now a little bit about my three kids. They’re all boys. We were trying for girl and it didn’t happen. So we’re done.

But they’re ages seven, five and three. And I’ll have all even numbers this year. And me and Racquel were actually pregnant with our first children together.

I suffered a miscarriage before I had my oldest and that we weren’t trying to get pregnant at that point. So when I had my miscarriage that was kind of a point for us to start trying after that, because we were so excited, even though we weren’t trying and then we had our loss or we’re like, No, we’re ready.

So my oldest and my middle both have ADHD. And my middle has tics, along with his ADHD and sensory processing disorder. So they both go to behavioral therapy. And that’s a chore in itself.

They’re both currently on medication. We just put my middle on medication two weeks ago, two weeks ago now. And my oldest has been taking medication for over a year now I believe. He, My oldest is in public school, but I homeschool my middle just because he basically was uncontrollable in their eyes. And I am going to be homeschooling my oldest next year after this year is through just because the district that we’re currently in.

So we’ll be talking about dealing with ADHD and what that means. And kind of going through parenting with children with ADHD because Raquel has the same opportunity as I do.

Racquel 13:25
So I have five boys and one girl, my oldest is getting ready to turn 13 He honestly, he does a lot in around the house. He does a lot of chores, does a lot to help with the kids. The only thing I need to work on with him is his smart mouth. I want to smack him around sometimes.

The second oldest, he is turning 10 Next week, and he has ADHD. We’ve been trying to get medication for him but it’s outrageously priced so we haven’t got it to work out yet for us. It he actually last two or three weeks has been getting in a lot of trouble at school for his behavior. And it’s very frustrating.

The next is Lily, our only girl and she is getting ready to turn eight. And she is a little SassaFrass and very emotional. She will just start crying for no reason. We’re like why are you crying? Right? So her teenage years are gonna be fun.

Courtney 14:56
Puberty is gonna be fun.

Racquel 14:58

Courtney 14:59
I said puberty is just gonna be fun.

Racquel 15:01
Oh my gosh, we’re gonna have so many teenagers in the house at once.

John’s over here gagging at the thought

The next are Saige and Kam. they’re both six, only about a month apart. Saige has sensory processing disorder. We were in the process of getting him tested for autism. But now that he’s starting to get a little bit older, and he did his behavior therapy, like not quite sure that we’re going to continue with that and just kind of leave it as is.

And then Kam, I want to get tested for ADHD too, because he is following suit of Jaxon’s behaviors.

And then our youngest is Oakland and he is one and a half. And he’s the pride and joy because he hasn’t hurt our feelings yet.

Courtney 16:01

Racquel 16:03
Yep, that’s the key word.

Courtney 16:07
Although he might hurt your feelings soon.

Racquel 16:10
Oh, yeah, he’s starting to throw his little tantrums.

So that is a little bit about Courtney and I and how saving melted ice cream came about. On our next episode we’re gonna touch on postpartum depression, how, how we went through it, what we did to kind of cope with it and just a little bit about our community that we’re trying to build for it.

And that’s it. So goodbye.

Courtney 16:50
See you next time!


Author Racquel

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